Why hello there,

welcome to Potpourri (noun,. A miscellaneous anthology or collection)
post a comment, subscribe....feed my fish have a good time :) :)
sit back and relax as i blog about a miscellaneous collection of the little(or big) things in life!)

Sunday 25 October 2009

The animals below

The aminals below just happen to be CALLIE! and my new puppy DAISY..as you all should know by now callie is the name i blog under (Callie-Co) and I got daisy on october 13!
Lots of Love

Friday 16 October 2009

Friday 9 October 2009


So, Today was another average day..honor band,school and my mom picking me and my brothers up to bring home my baritone*.She told me that she needed hair spray so we went to Walgreen's.I don't know about any of you guys but I'm the kind of girl who gets wayyyyyy excited and overwhelmed whenever i go there. I usually buy eyeliner, nail polish, mascara or lip gloss/stick but today my decision was almost instant.....when walking to the makeup aisle something caught my eye....It was a display of.....nail polish. I'm really into red right now and noticed some red nail polish....I went over to check it out......I then noticed the sub title of the display, it said NEW--COLOR MATCHES SCENT WHEN DRY. I quickly got my mom and showed her my new find. She wasn't as enthusiastic as i but i quickly bought myself a bottle of Mon Cherry...my nails have never smelled better. :) its from Revlon and i will have pictures posted as soon as my cameras battery is charged!!!

Caio my little Mon Chéri's