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Monday 17 August 2009

Day One

Im not going to take you through the 4 hour car ride because youd fall alseep.After our fisrt night at the Windham by Whyndam we went up to the Adirondack Extreme Adventure course.It was great! you get a few lessons in how you clip on your lanyards to the red rope and how to use the carabeener to zip line and then youre off!! there are 5 courses in total 4 courses for ages 12+ (me,mom,dad and one of my brothers who was ten but was allowed ) and one for kids 10 and under (for kids like my littlest brother but even that course was pretty cool) so your going up all clipped into your rope and then it hits you youre up about 50-80 feet climbing on ropes..unstable bridges (they were made like that) rock walls and well some other stuff.Mom and my brother finished 2 wich was impressive and i finished 3 i felt proud because i was some older peoples insparation to keep on going :) and well dear old dad finished all of them. It was a great experince for all and we will be going back when my youngest brother turns 12.
check out the website:

the adirondack extreme really did let me unleash my "inner monkey"

Callie-Co <3

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